About The Web Analyst
I’m a one man band with a proven track record in website design
With my experience I have monitored an industry trend over the last 10+ years. This trend shows that all websites should and must be designed “Mobile First”. What exactly does this mean? It means for every web design project I undertake I ensure the website is optimised for mobile phones as this device is where over +70% of your visitors are!
Web Page Design
Websites are very important to any business. Over the years I have seen websites created and left to rot! This makes me sad… When I sit down with a client I always make them aware their website is another full time employee who represents the business 24/7 – 365!. So look after your website and it will look after your business.
Web Analytics
I was introduced to Web Analytics over 7 years ago, it was pretty much a love story from that point onwards. Web Analytics is a perfect if not the only solution to invest in if you want to understand your online customers. By understanding their online behaviours you can make changes to your websites look and feel to improve your online conversions.
Lead Generation
What’s a website without traffic or leads? pretty much an expensive business card. All businesses are different in their own unique way however all need to make decisions on how best to attract the right kind of traffic to their websites. I can help you find that sweet spot from PPC to SEO even Social Media i’ll point you in the right direction.
Social Media Presence
From a business perspective being on Social Media these days is a must. However not many business owners are prepared to put in the time and effort required to build up their brands digital footprint online. Not to mention which Social Media platform is the best to use or what times to even post content. I can help you out and take away the heavy lifting for you.
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With a new Website and correct marketing sky’s the limit in terms of generating leads for your business. I can guide you through this process today!
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With my defined processes we can do this all over the phone & email. You can be as involved as you’d like here but remember I have your businesses best interests at heart as a consultant.